Fly, paint, paddle and Bike – winter program for End of 2024
packed my old glider BGD Base 2 light, my Canyon Hardtail and my hybrid kayak for a pleasant stay in Andalusia/Almuncecar
Otivar, a very nice flying site with a not too easy landing
Cenes De la Vega, in the Sierra Nevada, just near by the Alhambra site
Otivar again
Marina del Este, on of many nice spots around the cost for MTB and other bike tours
Almunecar mit Lentis – often the strong sea breeze is shaping figures in the sky
Almunecar. Many hidden places with wall paintings – real artists live here
Coast Almunecar – explored with the kayak
Saloprenia, huge beaches. We used to land nearby while flying from Strabo / Almuncecar
Moclin, an interesting tracking tour near Granada
Itrabo launching site. Good fly conditions